Cody Mcfadyen: Shadow Man - Shape of You - Smoky Barrett Series, Pt. 1

Cody Mcfadyen: Shadow Man - Shape of You - Smoky Barrett Series, Pt. 1
Produkttyp: Hörspiel-Download
Gelesen von: Jules de Jongh, Chris Ragland, Kerry Shale, Kate Mulgrew
Verlag: Lübbe Audio
Spieldauer: 1 Std. 8 Min.
Format: MP3 128 kbit/s
Download: 67,8 MB (19 Tracks)
MP3 Hörspiel-Download
6,99 €
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Smoky Barrett is scarred, alone and suicidal. But there's a brutal killer at large in LA who has vowed to destroy the lives of everyone on her team of FBI agents. Smoky has no choice but to get back to work and on his deadly trail. Starring Kate Mulgrew in the main role.

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